Anthony Inglese CB

Anthony Inglese CB

Anthony Inglese CB was head of legal in five Government Legal Departments over a 38-year career, most recently as General Counsel and Solicitor to HM Revenue & Customs. A Bencher of Gray’s Inn, he now trains and mentors lawyers.


Articles by this author


Making the ascent

Sir Daniel Bethlehem QC shares his route from Bar basecamp to all-round public international lawyer with Anthony Inglese

‘It’s helpful when teaching public international law to have what’s been called ‘the smell of gunpowder on your clothes’. 

29 August 2017

Law and diplomacy

Sir Michael Wood’s time at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office reads like a modern history textbook. Anthony Inglese asks what he’s learned about the art of the lawyer-diplomat and international advocacy

What makes a good Foreign Secretary? 

25 July 2017

The CPS chief

With a string of historic sex abuse cases attracting unparalleled public scrutiny, it’s been a high-profile three years. Anthony Inglese meets DPP Alison Saunders to discuss decision-making, transparency and the Bar

‘Deciding on so many difficult issues.’ Alison Saunders, heading towards her third anniversary as Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), is talking about what she has enjoyed most about her CPS career.

26 September 2016

Adviser to the top of government

Anthony Inglese CB meets the government’s most senior legal official, Treasury Solicitor Jonathan Jones, for an insight into his role and the application of law in the political context

‘Government wants to do whatever’s possible to achieve its aims within the rule of law – and will push at the limits, as it has every right to do,’ explains Jonathan Jones, the lawyer who advises the pinnacle of government. 

31 May 2016

A long and winding road

Mrs Justice Vivien Rose talks to Anthony Inglese about her unusual route to the High Court bench

In the small talk before going in to meet Her Majesty and being made a Dame Commander of the British Empire, the newly-appointed Mrs Justice Vivien Rose was asked, “Have you had to come far?” 

24 August 2015
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Government counsel at the top of their game: part 2

Anthony Inglese CB with his second and final look at the lawyers to be found in the corridors of Whitehall

A young Government Legal Service barrister is giving his first piece of advice to a Famous Top Political Figure.

26 May 2015

Government counsel at the top of their game: Part 1

Advising Secretaries of State and Cabinet Secretaries is not about the gift of the gab, finds Anthony Inglese CB

“Say your piece. Be concise. Then shut up. Ministers have no time to listen to a long legal ramble,” says Harry Carter, Deputy Legal Adviser to the Home Office, Chief Legal Adviser to the Northern Ireland Office and now a Bencher of Gray’s Inn. 

27 April 2015

Critical friends

Anthony Inglese explains how chambers could benefit from the lens of a critical friend.

It would be good for chambers, and also for the reputation of the Bar, if some forward-thinking sets would take the lead in each appointing a couple of “critical friends” on a part-time basis to sit on their most significant committees and be part of their governance.

09 January 2015
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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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