Bar Wellbeing


Taking your first steps to being well

Are you ready to embrace change? Systemic Coach Zita Tulyahikayo and NLP Master Practitioner James Pereira QC explain how to make  appropriate time for work, set  achievable goals and  enrich your legal life  


The importance of wellbeing for chambers

In the second article in their series, systemic coach Zita Tulyahikayo and James Pereira QC discuss the importance of wellbeing for chambers, the relationship between chambers and those who work there, and the matters that chambers should address when considering wellbeing  

23 January 2018 / James Pereira KC / Zita Tulyahikayo

Being LGBT+ at the Bar

Findings from a survey of the LGBT+ Bar make for hard reading, say Steven Vaughan and Marc Mason, who outline what we know and what needs to be done

20 December 2017 / Steven Vaughan / Marc Mason

Zero tolerance

There must be zero tolerance on sexual harassment at the Bar, writes Andrew Langdon QC  

Sexual harassment must not be tolerated at the Bar, or in any other walk of life. 

20 December 2017 / Andrew Langdon KC

#MeToo & due process

#MeToo has been a powerful force for good but in the court of social media, ‘I don’t know’ could be the fairest verdict of all, writes The Secret Barrister  

An old stand-up routine – I forget whose – used to poke fun at those old-style newspaper polls where members of the public were invited to phone a premium rate number and express their view on a contentious issue of the day. 

19 December 2017 / The Secret Barrister

Mentoring on the Western Circuit

The first Circuit-based mentoring scheme for women barristers is building confidence and camaraderie. Kate Brunner QC explains what sets it apart  

The Bar may appear to be awash with mentoring schemes, but only a small minority of barristers actually have a mentor, and it is particularly difficult on the far reaches of Circuit to access support and events based in London.  

29 August 2017 / Kate Brunner KC

PUPILLAGE SPECIAL: The psychology of pupils

Forewarned, forearmed: Dr Justine Rogers’ insider study of barristers and their pupils found distinct traits and pressures but there are collegiate solutions   

‘Pupillage is like doing a marathon with a box in your hands. And inside the box is a glass vase which you need to keep intact, and you don’t get to open the box until the end of the marathon and for all you know the vase broke on day one!’ 

25 July 2017 / Dr Justine Rogers

PUPILLAGE SPECIAL: Who supervises the supervisors?

Guy Fetherstonhaugh QC and Simon O’Toole assess the Pupillage Supervisor Network one year on and offer a view on pupillage regulation  

The Bar may be forgiven for thinking that our regulators positively enjoy tinkering with the rules for pupillage.  


Prepare for re-entry

Practitioners share their career break experiences: plan ahead, prepare for challenges and a well-supported return is possible  


25 April 2017
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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