Interview: Christopher Vajda

As the Prime Minister’s Brexit dealings are awaited, Anthony Inglese meets UK judge to Europe’s top court, Christopher Vajda, who reflects on his journey to the ECJ and six years of judging EU-style 

28 November 2018 / Anthony Inglese CB

Electoral law: unfit for the 21st century?

With democracy at risk there’s no excuse for legislative inaction, argue Alison Foster QC, Tom Tabori and Gethin Thomas who make the case for reform and put forward proposals for change  

29 October 2018 / Tom Tabori / Alison Foster KC / Gethin Thomas

Dare I mention B***it?

With the urgency to settle the UK’s negotiating position increasing and crunch time approaching, Andrew Walker QC reads the (legal) runes—what will Brexit mean for the Bar?  

27 July 2018

Spring 2018: a Brussels Brexit stock-take

Is the rocky road to Brexit obscured by London fog? Taking stock from Brussels, Evanna Fruithof joins calls for fewer speeches and more legal texts  

30 April 2018 / Evanna Fruithof

EU Withdrawal Bill and judicial review: are we ready?

Angus McCullough QC considers the role of judicial review as the EU Withdrawal Bill is enacted, and after Brexit day has dawned  

A flash-back to 1980: the first series of the TV sitcom, Yes Minister  and a discussion between a Permanent Secretary (Sir Humphrey Appleby) and his Minister (the Rt Hon Jim Hacker MP): 

20 December 2017 / Angus McCollough KC

ECJ status post-Brexit

Will the UK need to keep an eye on ECJ rulings after withdrawal? Rhodri Thompson QC examines the practical and political difficulties 

05 October 2017 / Rhodri Thompson KC
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Westminster Watch

Mark Hatcher examines the issues ahead, as Theresa et al teeter towards Brexit on the Westminster tightrope without the critical parliamentary safety net 

05 October 2017 / Mark Hatcher

Citizens of nowhere?

Colin Yeo examines the status of EU citizens in the UK and British citizens in the EU after Brexit 

On 26 June 2017, over a year after the Brexit referendum result, the government finally published its proposals to ‘safeguard the position of EU citizens living in the UK and UK nationals living in the EU’.  

25 July 2017 / Colin Yeo
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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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