Justice Matters


Art not evidence

Art, including music, should be protected as a fundamental form of freedom of expression and not used to unfairly implicate individuals, argues Ifẹ Thompson

10 July 2024 / Ife Thompson

Disclosure: the full picture

In this update on his Independent Review of Disclosure, Jonathan Fisher KC focuses on the miscellany of problems which need to be addressed right across the disclosure regime 

10 July 2024 / Jonathan Fisher KC

The presumption that computers are reliable

Stephen Mason sets out how the legal presumption, which exposed widespread misunderstanding about the nature of computer failures and caused serious widespread injustice, came into effect 

10 July 2024 / Stephen Mason

Racial justice and the law: where do we go from here?

The legal system has been both a help and a hindrance, says Bharat Malkani who reflects on the relationship between law and racial justice in the run-up to the 60th anniversary of the Race Relations Act 

10 July 2024 / Dr Bharat Malkani

Is the law really protecting our wildlife?

Marcia Hyde and Carol Day examine wildlife’s dire decline and the lack of effective legal remedy. Using the examples of the badger and hen harrier, they illustrate how difficult it can be to use the law for the purpose it was enacted 

10 July 2024 / Marcia Hyde / Carol Day

Nature, climate change and directors’ duties

Nature-related risks including climate change should be firmly on board agendas, say Sharif A. Shivji KC, Rebecca Stubbs KC, James Burton, Karl Anderson and Hossein Sharafi who have conducted a landmark review of directors’ duties under English law


Same-sex marriage in Bermuda and pro bono

Anna Hoffmann talks with Dr Leo Raznovich, Alex Potts KC and solicitor members of the pro bono legal team about their intervention in Ferguson v UK . They cover the case’s significance with a view to helping others considering similar human rights litigation

Analysing class at the Bar

If we can understand class at the Bar more accurately, we will be more effective when analysing – and combatting – classism, says Alex Benn

10 June 2024 / Alex Benn

The concept of an international anti-corruption court

Reality or pipe dream? Drawing on personal experience fighting grand corruption in Nigeria, Dr Charles Adeogun-Phillips makes the case for an international anti-corruption court (IACC)


Domestic drone harms

As drones move from the military space into domestic, commercial and hobbyist iterations, Louise Hooper and Dr Anna Jackman examine the cross-practice challenges for lawyers

10 June 2024 / Louise Hooper / Dr Anna Jackman
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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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