The Regulatory Board is comprised of The Health and Safety Executive, Environment Agency, Office of Rail and Road, Natural Resources Wales, the Care Quality Commission and the Office for Product Safety and Standards.
The Board operates a Panel Counsel list on behalf of the Attorney General and is now seeking to refresh the list.
Advocates across all three categories of skills and experience A , B and C are encouraged to apply.
We invite existing members to reapply and encourage applications from new candidates, not previously on the list. Please note members currently on the list will not automatically remain and will need to reapply either to remain in their existing category or for a new grade. The conduct of prosecution and enforcement, regulatory advocacy and associated advisory work on behalf of the member organisations will be conducted by those successfully appointed to the list. Appointment will give advocates the opportunity to be instructed nationally to conduct a wide range of interesting and rewarding work. This is a rare opportunity as the list has not been open for applications since June 2019.
To request an application pack or if you have any queries in relation to the scheme please e-mail
Diversity is vital to the success of this recruitment exercise. To bring as diverse a range of experience as possible to our work, we encourage applications from candidates from all backgrounds.