Joel Semakula

Joel Semakula

Joel Semakula is a tenant at Landmark Chambers specialising in planning, property, public and environmental law. Away from the law, Joel volunteers with social mobility initiatives and is also a performer on the comedy circuit.

Articles by this author


The law’s a stage: Clive Coleman

The barrister turned comedy writer, broadcaster and journalist talks to Joel Semakula about the legal thread that runs through his many careers and the inspiration he continues to draw from the courtroom

14 December 2021

Pupil insights: what we’ve learnt

From paper sift, to interview, to offer – insights from recently successful pupils

01 September 2021

Bar journey: from quad to quad to quad

But not the usual quadrangle – a rounded route to the Bar, insights gained, and finding improv as a creative outlet outside the intense world of law. By Joel Semakula

18 June 2020

Day in the life… of a judicial assistant

Judicial assistants get to work on some of the most interesting issues coming through the courts and study what makes a good barrister. Joel Semakula shares a typical day

29 June 2018
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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